Student Participation PDF Print


Where the law provides for the representation of students in any cycle of study in the institution’s administrative bodies, student representatives are elected by the entire body of active students in that cycle of study, using a single list in a direct, universal and secret ballot. Eligible candidates are undergraduate students who have completed their first year of study and are within the indicative schedule of studies; postgraduate students in their first year of study; and PhD candidates in their first three years after enrolment as PhD students. The ballot may also be electronic.


Upon enrolment, all students of the Department of Social and Educational Policy become members of the Students’ Union. The top administrative body of the Union is the General Assembly. Student representatives participate in the Department’s administration and contribute to shaping its policy.

The aims of the Union are to identify, study and resolve all issues affecting students, submit proposals for the improvement of the education provided by the University, defend the free exchange of ideas and promote the discourse on academic, social, political and cultural matters. The Department actively supports the operation of the Students’ Union and urges students to take active part in its actions. It encourages the students’ social awareness and the development of their relations with the local community.


All students of the Department of Social and Educational Policy of the University of the Peloponnese are eligible for membership in the Alumni Association. The Association aims to foster the graduates’ relations among themselves as well as with the Department, coordinate efforts for promoting the alumni’s career prospects in collaboration with the Department and other bodies, and promote the University of the Peloponnese in Greece and abroad.