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The Faculty of Social and Education Policy, brings together two scientific fields of critical importance for a modern, developed state, those of social policy and education policy, in a single study programme with two specialisations. The interdisciplinary approach, the comprehensive understanding of social and educational reality, the understanding of changeand the coupling of theory and practice are components of the Faculty’s profile. In this context, the programme of studies includes courses on research methodology, IT and communication, history, economics and law.

Regarding the social policy specialisation, the study programme comprises courses covering a broad spectrum of subjects, such as the theoretical, institutional and economic analysis of the welfare state, the management and evaluation of the various providers of civil services, employment policy, health policy, social inequalities and poverty, migration, social economy, etc. The analysis of international experience is one of the basic features of the particular specialisation; consequently, all subjects are approached also through comparative analysis of related policies of the European Union and international organisations.

Regarding the education policy specialisation, the study programme comprises coursesfocusing onhigher education policy, design, development, implementation and evaluation of educational programmes and materials, as well as lifelong learning.The curriculum has an international orientation and analyzes policiesfrom the level of international/transnational orgainisations and institutions, the national level, to the level of particular educational institutions (formal, informal and non-formal education). The historical and social contex within which educational theories were developed is analyzed. Emphasis is given to the field of critical pedagogy and the development of education sciences.

It should be underlined that the Program of Study places special emphasis on the European dimension shaped by current tendencies and perspectives debated within the European context. In this regard, the Faculty has the largest possible involvement and a most active participation in related actions and initiatives at European level. For the same reason, the Faculty works towards creating most favourable conditions for students to participate in European mobility programs, while the mastering of the English Language is considered essential. At the same time, students are encouraged to participate in seminars, conferences and other activities and events in Greece and other European countries. Special emphasis is given to IT and Communications subjects as well.


Since 2007-08 the Faculty has introduced a The Postgraduate Programme of Studies, which awards a Postgraduate Diploma (equivalent to an M.A.) in the following specialisations.

Educational Programmes and Materials: Formal, Informal and Distant Education.

European Social Policies.

Health Policies and Institutions.

Social Discrimination, Migration and Citizenship.

The specialisation in Policy and Administration in Higher Education, will be introduced in the future

(For further details see the Postgraduate Programme Handbook)


Since 2011-12 a series of seminars (6-7 per academic year) has been offered to P.hD candidates, with a view to pave the way towards more structured doctoral studies. The seminars are conducted by faculty members, postgraduate fellows and invited professors from other, Greek and foreign universities. Within the same framework, young PhD holders or PhD candidates close to finishing their theses in the University of the Peloponnese or other Greek or foreign universities, present their work. The aim of these activities is to offer the PhD candidates a friendly forum where constructive feedback and criticism will help them improve their research, in view of the demands of supporting their theses. Workshops aiming at improving the participants’ skills and knowledge in qualitative and quantitative research methodology are also offered.


The faculty combines in their teaching practices lectures, seminars and laboratories. In many courses students are required to submit written assignments, making use of international bibliography. Besides the final written examination, alternative methods are used for the assessment of knowledge competences and skills acquired, such as esseys, oral presentations etc.
For easy access to taching materials and additional bibliography, for the submission of written assignments and essays, and as a forum for the communitcation of students and academic staff the Faculty has access to the electronic platforms of the university (e-class) available at, and the electronic platform of the faculty (e-learning) available at


The Faculty participates in an Internship Programme (Practicum), co-funded by the EU EFP 7, by which all its students do internships at research institutes and organisations of the public sector (i.e. various social security organisations, the Public Servants Medical Care Organisation, the National Organisation for Health Care Services Provision, hospitals, public institutes of post-secondary education, various organisations operating under the auspices of the Greek ministries of Education, Labour, Health, the Greek Parliament, the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus) and of the non-governmental sector (i.e. Actionaid, Navarino Foundation, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Eugenides Foundation,Museum of Greek Children’s Art,etc). So far, the internship programme has been considered quite successful as it enriches the students’ theoretical knowledge with valuable professional experience and the students’ performance is very satisfactory.


a. Erasmus Studies

The Faculty has active bilateral Erasmus studies agreements with 24 European Universities. In the context of the Erasmus exchange programme students of the Faculty have complete part of their studies abroad, while academics of the Faculty have travelled abroad on teaching staff exchange. In 2011-12 the Faculty accepted its first incoming Erasmus students.

The University of the Peloponnese, in the context of its internationalisation strategy, covers the travel costs of outgoing Erasmus students (up to the amount of 400 Euros/student)

To cater to the needs of incoming Erasmus students, a number of courses are taught in the English language. If interested in courses that are taught in the Greek language, incoming students have the option to undertake a Research Project or Independent Study.

To promote incoming Erasmus mobility the University of the Peloponnese covers the cost of stay in a collaborating hotel (up to 200 Euros per month/student), offers two free meals daily and extends all the priviledges accorded to Greek students.

(For more info see under Erasmus in the Faculty’s website)

b. ErasmusPlacement

Students have the possibility to participate in the Erasmus Placement Programme if they wish to acquire professional experience in other European countries.

c. Erasmus Intensive Programme.

During the academic year 2013-2014 the Faculty coordinates an Intensive Erasmus programme(ErasmusIP) onLeadership for LearninginEducation. In this IP participate seven international partners of the Faculty with 7 academics and 28 students.

(For more info see under Erasmus IP on the Faculty’s website)


The Faculty cooperates with other Faculties of the University of the Peloponnese, and on an ad hoc basis with other Greek universities (i.e. the universities of Athens, Thessaly, Patras, Crete, etc), research institutes and organisations (i.e. the National Centre for Social Resarch -EKKE, the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF), etc). Such cooperations have led to common publications, co-organisation of conferences and various events, and participation in joint research programmes.

The Faculty participates in international and national university networks, such as the ΕrasmusCiCeErasmusThematicNetworkand the scientific association of the network (CiCea). It represents the University of the Peloponnese in the Higher Education Policy Network (HEPNET)formed between the Universities of the Peloponnese, of the Agean and of Patras and in theCESSDA network  (under the coordination of the National Centre for Social Resarch –EKKE, and in collaboration with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Pantion and Charokopeion Universities, the University of Crete and the Democretian University of Thrace).

Faculty membersfunction as coordinators of or participants in large-scaleEU funded research programmes (i.e. FP6 and FP7, Comenius, Tempus) the Ministry of Education (Thales, Aristeia, Heracletus) and other foreign and Greek organisations.The Faculty participates in many national and international educational and development research programmes.

Since 2009 the Faculty has a Research Laboratory for the Study of Social and Education Policies, which currently comprises a Unit of Research and Documentation of Higher Education, and a Unit of Research and Documentation of the Analysis, Design and Implementation of Educational Programmes.These units also help initiate Ph.Dcandidatesin the research culture.

The faculty members have had a large number of books published by notable Greek and foreign publishing houses (Savalas, Νissos, Polis, Metehmio, Routledge, Springer, Peter Lang). They have also published a large number of articles in prominent international and Greek journals with high impact factors. It is worth noticing that, in total, the faculty members have on average over 150 publications per year (a large percentage of which are international), while their work receives ca. 500 references and citations per year by foreign peers, according to the international databases. In addition, many faculty members are reviewers in Greek and international journals, and participate in their editorial boards.

The faculty members participate in international and Greek conferences, symposiums and other events, deliver lectures in Greek and foreign universities and advise and offer counseling services to public and private organisations.


The Faculty completed its first Internal Evaluation Report in 2011 and has drawn Annual Reports ever since. Its External Evaluation is currently pending.

Students participate in the evaluation of the programme of studies, completing at the end of each semester a questionnaire (either hardcopy or in electronic form). Members of the acdemic staff have developed a software programme through which questionnaires are completed and submitted anonymously by the certified student-users through the e-learning platform of the Faculty.


The Faculty is equipped with

  • Adequate infrastructure as regards physical space and teaching and learning facilities in all classrooms (interactive boards, computers, wireless internet connection, transparency projectors and screens, microphones)
  • Two computer laboratories.
  • A well organized library, holding about 10,000 Greek and foreign volumes, some of which are not found in any other Greek academic library, and is staffed by a librarian and two specialized administrative staff members. The Faculty offers remote access to the library catalogue and the Heal-Link databasethat comprises hundreds of international scientific journals of important international publishing houses. All the functions of search and location of data and materials are fully automated.The library catalogue is constantly enriched by new orders and donations by private donors and faculty members.


Each year the Faculty organises a series of events, lectures and conferences, with invited speakers from collaborating Greek and foreign universities.

The Faculty has developed close links with members of the local society of Corinth, whichare often present and actively participate in the various events organized by the Faculty. Many of these events have been addressed to the local educational community, whereas others have been focused on topics of wider interest (migration policy, democracy, racism and xenophobia etc.).

(For info on currently planned events see the Faculty’s website)

As of 2012-2013 two important initiatives were launched: an official cooperation between the Faculty and the Center of Social Policy of the Municipality of Corinth, and the establishment at the Faculty of the Observatory of Social Economy that will be focusing mostly on the prefecture of Corinthia and the rest of the Region of the Peloponnese

The Faculty organises each year a summer school. The summer school is addressed to professionals from the areas of education and health care aiming at their further training in Organisation and Management of Education, Educational Leadership and Pharmacoeconomics.

(See also the Summer School page on the Facultys’ site)

The Faculty cooperates with the Navarino Foundation for the design and the implementation of the educational programme “Getting to know and getting known: the nature and history of Messinia”, in which participate primary school teachers and pupils from the area of Messinia. Members of the academic staff of the Faculty have long-term cooperation with school networks, education leaders and training centers.

The academic staff of the Faculty participates in social debates through articles with their interventions in the mass media (national newspapers, radio, tv, internet and other print media).